Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The snatch

Since day 1, this movement has been my least favorite. I sometimes wanted to pretend having a rest day when I would find out the WOD included the snatch.  I even complained about it on this blog to the five of you readers. One day, I even left the box in tears because I couldn't get it. I sat in my car and cried out of frustration.

After being called on it a couple of times indirectly, I stopped. I needed to get better. It's been five months. With much coaching from the awesome people at LAX CrossFit, I finally look like I know what I'm doing. Looking at these photos makes me want to cry, this time because I'm proud of myself for not giving up. 
Today is also my late baby niece's birthday. She was a fighter at only 5 weeks old. I can at the very least do what I can with my own abilities.

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